/News & Notices

Consultation on Accessibility at Scotiabank looking for participants

Scotiabank is developing an accessibility plan to continue building an equitable, inclusive, and accessible financial institution. Scotiabank welcomes all Canadians, whether they are a customer or not to participate in a consultation. Learn more about how to participate in an accessibility consultation by visiting: www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/personal/accessibility/accessibility-consultation.html

Free ADHD Resource Now Available

The ADHDe Project from the University of Windsor is delighted to announce the launch of the project’s press book, which can be found on the eCampus Ontario Open Library. This free resource is available to any organization to use and adapt, in part or in whole, to create a similar program for their community. The ADHDe Project is a student-led initiative. The “e” in “ADHDe” stands for education, equity, and empowerment. The project aims to assist with destigmatizing ADHD and neurodiversity, provide students

Minister appoints LDAO CEO to Advisory Council

LDAO is delighted to announce that Lawrence Barns, our President and CEO, has been appointed by Minister Lecce to serve on the Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education. The initial appointment is until October 2024. The Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE) provides advice to the Minister of Education about: the development and delivery of programs and services for students with special education needs identifying and providing early intervention programs More information on the Council is available here : https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministers-advisory-council-special-education

LDAO Chair wins Presidents Award from the Council for Exceptional Children

LDAO wishes to congratulate our Chair, Dr. Steven Reid for this recognition of a career supporting students in Special Education and beyond. LDAO is delighted his leadership, skills and heart have been recognized in this fashion. LDAO is fortunate to have his leadership and is looking forward to his continuing to be a champion for our community as he begins life as a Professor after his retirement from YRDSB. Dr. Steven Reid President's Award to a Partner in Education Throughout

Feedback needed on proposed changes to Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility website

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility will be refreshing its content on Ontario.ca.  Their goal is to make it easier for people in Ontario to find the information they need. This includes services and programs for seniors, as well as information about accessibility in Ontario. The Ministry is looking for user feedback on the proposed changes. This includes feedback on whether the web copy is clear and written in plain language. They are also looking for input on the website layout and

The Fourth Legislative Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is underway – Your feedback is requested.

Rich Donovan is currently conducting a review of the AODA and its regulations to gather feedback and determine where improvements can be made. Have your say by participating in an upcoming virtual town hall hosted by Mr. Donovan: •    October 18, 2022 from 1pm-3pm •    November 8, 2022 from 10am-12pm Register for an event Or provide written feedback Background The AODA requires a regular statutory review of the act and its regulation. In February 2022, the Government of Ontario announced

Teacher participants needed for study of Assistive Technology selection tool

The University of Toronto is seeking participants for a study examining an Assistive Technology selection tool. The Academic Intervention Lab is seeking Ontario Certified Teachers with experience teaching special education or Grades 4+ to participate in a 1.5 hour virtual focus group. Participants will receive a $25 gift card to compensate for their time. We are hosting focus groups August - October 2022. Please email h.mcnaughtan@mail.utoronto.ca to sign up or for more information!

Right to Read audiobook, PDFs now available!

In February 2022, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released its much-anticipated Right to Read inquiry report, which found that Ontario’s public education system is failing students with reading disabilities (such as dyslexia) and many others, by not using evidence-based approaches to teach them to read. This release included a shorter executive summary, which is now available in audiobook format. The summary combines research, human rights expertise and lived experience of students, parents and educators to provide recommendations on curriculum and instruction, early

Holland Bloorview Project Inclusion

Educator modules on disability, accessibility, and inclusion Modules pour représentants du milieu de l’éducation sur le handicap, l’accessibilité et l’inclusion Five interactive learning modules on disability, accessibility, and inclusion, developed with input from students and parents, educators and school leaders, as well as community organizations. Click here to visit the site

Justice for Children & Youth Parent Navigation Resource

Special Education in Ontario: A Guide for Students and Caregivers is available for download, in full or section-by-section, including five flowcharts on the main special education processes. Developed with input from students, their families, educators, and community supports/organizations. Click here to visit the site About the project Enhancing Access to Special Education (EASE) is a project focused on developing resources to support students & families to navigate the special education system. Thank you to all the students, parents, caregivers, community support