/News & Notices

Have your say! Share your stories!

Contribute to the I Have Something to Say project of the Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth, with your experiences of living with learning disabilities. Children and youth are encouraged to share their stories directly using the I Have Something to Say website.

Updated Ministry of Education Policy on Learning Disabilities

LDAO enthusiastically welcomes the announcement by the Special Education Policy & Programs Branch of the revised Policy/Program Memorandum 8: Identification of and Program Planning for Students with LD.

Resources from People for Education

Read reports from the Measuring what Matters survey, and Tips on Special Education from a parent and principal.

LDAO postsecondary position paper on interpretation of the LDAO definiton

LDAO has developed a position paper which addresses the use and interpretation of the LDAO definition in decision-making about accommodations for students in postsecondary education. The LDAO Position Paper on Interpretation of the LDAO Definition in Postsecondary Settings was developed by the Legislation & Policy Committee of LDAO in conjunction with Dr. Marjory Phillips, LDAO board member, and approved by the LDAO board. It reflects LDAO positions and information compiled and adapted from a number of sources that are included

Postsecondary Transition Resource

The Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) has created a new practical resource document for students with disabilities who are going on to postsecondary education. The Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities can be found at www.transitionresourceguide.ca/. There are a number of different sections on the website which contain important information for students to consider as they prepare for future studies. Of particular interest is the Chart of Differences between High School and College/University (PDF - 208 KB). The website

Workshops and Courses

LDAO workshops are self-paced online learning environments, similar to our courses, but without direct access to a moderator.

Law School Admission Council Settles Disability Lawsuit

LSAC, the organization that administers the law school admission test (LSAT) has agreed to a settlement on a claim that it failed to accommodate exam takers with disabilities. A class action lawsuit was initiated by a group of students, including students with learning disabilities and/or ADHD, who had been denied accommodations for various reasons.

Oliver Martin Memorial Trust Fund Assessment Scholarships

ONBIDA is thrilled to announce that we will be launching our 2nd year of scholarships for psycho-educational assessments for Ontario students who struggle learning to read and write. Scholarship Value $1,500

Families needed for SickKids research study on the genetics of reading disabilities

Families are needed for a research study at SickKids (the Hospital for Sick Children), which is investigating the genetic basis of reading disabilities. We require the participation of families and their child(ren), age 6 to 16 years, who struggle with reading. Parents will receive a report describing their child’s test results, which may be helpful in educational planning. All testing will take place at SickKids in downtown Toronto

JUMP Math launches free Teacher Support Site

JUMP Math has added a new free Teacher Support Site in an effort to help JUMP teachers and tutors connect with each other and share resources. Most of the resources will be linked to JUMP Math materials, but any educator can register on the site to learn about what’s happening in education news and find useful resources.