ADHD can be a difficult thing to understand. There are four main differences in someone with an “ADHD brain”. Join speaker Lauren Stein, who has ADHD herself, learn more about ADHD, and find strategies and accommodations that are a good fit for your child or client. Also learn how anxiety and depression, two mental health conditions, are often linked with ADHD, and ways to address them. Come with lots of questions together help de-stigmatize and find strategies for ADHD and Mental Health.
Lauren Stein MA specializes in ADHD & Asperger’s and has a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from the European Graduate School in Switzerland, as well as many certifications in a variety of therapeutic modalities. She was diagnosed with ADHD herself in grade 4, with an additional unofficial diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome in adulthood, and is grateful to her conditions for her endless creativity, silly sense of humour, and… she forgets what else. Implementing her background in improv theatre, she has been working with ImprovAbility to deliver Social Improv workshops to teens and young adults with autism. Laura works at the Guelph ADHD and Asperger’s Centre.
$10 for members; $15 for non-members (subsidies available too)